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Five books that have helped shape me

Sep 3

3 min read




Steven Pressfield (among a host of other influential artists) says that he writes to figure out who he is.

With every line on the page, the story of his legend gets written.

It's the same with you, it's the same with me.

Creativity and artistry is a way for us to figure out who we are. Without rapping and the journey and concepts within it, my ability to self-actualise may have been limited.

With every song I release I refine who I am... I get better at being who I was meant to be.

It's a process of delayering that happens mysteriously between the lines on a page or the boundaries of a canvas.

This is the inner work we must all do to feel like this whole thing has been worth it.

I believe the same is true for reading and studying - they go hand in hand.

It is our job to dig into life, rip nutrient dense knowledge from the ground, nourish ourselves first and then feed those around us who are intellectually and spiritually hungry.

Which brings me to the point of today's newsletter.

You see, I've been writing and performing for nearly 15 years... but I believe that only recently have I begun to tap into my true essence as an artist (better late than never amirite).

I want to briefly touch of 5 books that have helped me to tap into parts of my inner artist in a way that I previously struggled to do.

1. The Practice by Seth Godin

This book is jam packed with actionable wisdom for creatives.

The subheading 'Shipping Creative Work' gets right to the core of what Seth Godin's philosophy is all about.

Start the work.

Finish the work.

Ship the work.

Start again.

My favourite thing about this book is that it is segmented into bite sized ideas that can be consumed whenever you like. Just flip open a page, gather some wisdom and set about clocking hours in your practice.

2. It's All In Your Head by Russ

Russ is the epitome of 'all in' thinking.

In his 2017 release 'Do It Myself' he sings I don't need her, I don't need him, fuck it I'll do it myself - and that is precisely what he does in all facets of his life.

This book is a testament to that.

Russ articulates how his all-in mindset paved the way for great success by covering the 3 main pillars of:

  • Delusion (believing it can happen)

  • Persistence (working until it does happen)

  • Gratitude (being thankful that it did happen)

This book is a must read for any artist, but especially if you rap.

3. Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

For writers, artists and creators, Steven Pressfield is hands down the most important author I have ever read.

His books like The War of Art, The Artist's Journey and this one Turning Pro can be soul crushing and life changing.

Below is probably my favourite section from the book and a very good indicator of the level of seriousness that Pressfield approaches his work with:

"I didn’t talk to anybody during my year of turning pro. I didn’t hang out, I just worked.

I had a book in mind and I had decided I would finish it or kill myself.

I could not run away again.

Or let people down again.

Or let myself down again.

This was it.

Do or die."

4. The Power of One More by Ed Mylett

Ed Mylett is a entrepreneur, coach and speaker with a great reputation for big picture thinking and content to match.

This book was great for me because it gave me a little test to apply to everything I did and at any moment. The test is simple... with this important task I am performing, could I do one more?

One more minute.

One more page.

One more rep.

One more take... etc

This little test allows me to push in ways I never thought I could.

Push for one more, everyday... imagine the heights you'r reaching while everyone else packs it in and calls it a day.

5. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

When I interviewed Isaac John (co-founder of YKTR), we spoke about Greenlights.

Ice told me what his biggest takeaway from this book was - storytelling!

The audio version is incredible and truly captivating as McConaughey seamlessly weaves entertaining story after entertaining story together in this storytelling masterclass.

His concepts and perspective will leave you looking at life through a whole new lens.

With gratitude,



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